Swimming at Camp
Lifesaving Society Swimming Lessons
Branksome Hall Day Camps is pleased to offer the Lifesaving Society Swim for Life program at camp!
Please click here for details about our Swim Camp options.
Recreational Swimming
Looking for a way to have some fun in the pool this summer without the structure of swimming lessons? Branksome Hall Day Camps is thrilled to offer recreational swim times in our beautiful Athletics and Wellness Centre saltwater pools! All campers will have the opportunity to swim 2–3 times per week with their camp group. If a camper does not wish to swim, there will be no alternative programming offered during this time. All campers should come prepared with their bathing suit and towel on their swim day(s). A schedule will be provided to registered families closer to camp.
Swimming Safety
Branksome Hall Day Camps takes pride in the safety practices and procedures on our pool deck and within our swim program. In order to maintain a high level of safety, we employ qualified Lifeguards and Swim Instructors, as well as having an experienced Aquatics Coordinator who is available at all times. Mini campers will be required to wear a lifejacket at all times (provided by BHDC). Junior, Senior and Tween campers will do a swim assessment at the beginning of the week to determine if a lifejacket or Deep End restrictions apply. Parents/guardians can put in a lifejacket request for their camper to always wear a lifejacket regardless of swim ability. Please email camps@branksome.on.ca with your request.